Saturday, August 27, 2005

Revisiting the Dateline Documentary - Life under the Spraying

Just in case you are not so sure what all the fuss over aerial spraying is about, you can view the Dateline documentary here.
(Look at the Spray Day documentary.)It describes life under the aerial spraying of West Auckland, and interviews some key players in the drama. It shows the gulf between the politicians and the affected residents. It is the documentary which first publically exposed the suspected "other ingredients" ( besides the Btk bacteria) of Foray48B. You can hear a MAF director stating that he would be happy for his children to be sprayed. You can hear the Minister of Biosecurity state that any health impacts from the spray cannot be proven. This was initially shown on TV in 2003. The anger that people in the community felt about being sprayed against their will with chemicals that made some very sick, is still simmering in the community in 2005. This was evident by the high turnout at the recent public meeting which gave a unanimous vote of approval for the upcoming People's Inquiry.