Saturday, July 16, 2005

Purple Pukeko

The Pukeko is a New Zealand swamp bird,(also found around the Pacific), larger than a hen, with shiny indigo feathers, an orange-red beak, and a distinctive tri-syllabic call - " oo-ee-o! oo-e-o!". It screeches in the night. I am a purple human pukeko, and this blog is my screech. A friend of mine died this week of motor neurone disease. She was only diagnosed 7 months ago. She believed strongly that the aerial spraying of Foray48B for two years was the trigger that caused the MND. She reacted and was sick every time they sprayed over our ECO-CITY. This blog is dedicated to her memory and will explore the issues around the aerial spraying campaign. Aerial spraying of pesticides over people must be banned. One day our society will look back in horror at what we did to ourselves.